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Shift your energy
with SOUND

connect deeply to your 

 higher self



Sound healing CALMS your mind, increases JOY, and connects you deeply to your HIGHER SELF, bringing ABUNDANCE into your life!

Sound shifts energy immediately and can transmute negative energy into positive love-filled light energy within your cellular, emotional, and spiritual bodies! If you feel stuck in your life, personal growth, or healing, a sound session can reach those deep places that need to be seen and loved, guiding you to your path and settling you into the ease of the abundant flow of the universe.

for your healing journey

kind words from beautiful souls

"What a way to heal the mind, body, and soul…sometimes of woes you do not even know you have until the healing begins on your mat!!  I have attended two sound healings with Rebecca and plan to attend many more.  Her kind, caring demeanor shines through in her delivery of the healing sounds as she uses her talents to serve others."

meet your guide


Hi there! I am a Sound Healer, Energy Worker, Earth Medicine Practitioner, Sister Circle Leader, and Spiritual Life Coach. I guide you into deep healing using sound and energy techniques. We are all made of vibrations, so feed yourself Good Vibes!


As a lifelong musician and naturalist, I have always used sound and earth medicine in my own life to heal. I have had quite a journey with many, many battles ( just like you!) and 

have gathered medicine along the way. Using my love of nature, music and my passion for cultivating a joyful and inspired life, I infuse each session with the medicine that has been shown to me by God and our good green earth. I step out of the way during healing sessions to be a light-filled conduit for the Divine!



your experience

begin with groundedness and intention​

enter a relaxed space with guided meditation

allow the vibrations to bring healing with energy and love 

  • struggling with serious issues
  • at a loss of where to turn
  • desire to walk a spiritual path 
  • want to shed layers to be able to blossom 

Healing Strings
is here to SUPPORT you on your UNIQUE healing journey.  

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