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Are you heading into the dark days of winter feeling supported and nourished?

ROOTED is a Winter inspirational program and online sister circle for women just like you that are wishing to learn to live through the winters with grace and growth.


Each week, you will receive the following:
   ~Winter lessons on self-growth, self-love, self-preservation
   ~Recipes for a healthy winter and ways to nourish your beautiful body
   ~Sharing time with your fellow ROOTED sisters
   ~Herbs, teas, tinctures, elixirs that can help support you during the winter months
   ~Meditations to guide you into a blissful hibernation
   ~Lessons on how to work with the earth energies during these months
   ~Sound healings that can soothe your slumber so you emerge in the spring anew


You will receive:

12 weekly inspirational video lessons
12 journal prompts for self discovery
Deep winter meditations
Wintry sound journeys
Winter Wayshower guide (Rebecca) by your side all winter
Rooted support group on Facebook


Stay connected to yourself, to others, and to nature this winter. Learn to look forward to the sacred stillness of the winter and work with the energies of this loving time of the seasonal wheel! 


Printable PDF handouts and journal pages each week.

Move through your winter along with the group, or on your own timing using the streamlined course platform.

Get cozy with other women just like you in the Facebook group devoted to hibernating in the most beautiful way!

Words of Love for ROOTED

"ROOTED is a true blessing for me. It has provided me with a wonderful tribe of sisters that understand, fully support and appreciate me and all the others in the group. The knowledge I am gaining is wonderful and beautiful."  

Dawn M.


"ROOTED allowed me the space and support to quiet the noise and turn inward with the season and connect with myself more authentically in the company of some strong, amazing women. I have grown in so many ways - I treasure the underlying bond with other women more than I ever have, I've become more confident in my desires and voice, and the light, warmth, and space for authenticity that Rebecca brings for her circle of women is a light I try to carry with me for others in all aspects of life. I'm looking forward to another season of cozy respite with ROOTED."

Sarah M.



"Best decision I could have made for those cold dreary days of winter! Rebecca and her wisdom that she poured into us was a ray of warm sunshine!! Loved it and would feel honored to join again this winter!! Thank you Rebecca!!!"

Terita M.


"I loved ROOTED! It felt like a warm, cozy blanket wrapped around me during the darker months."

Angie L.


You may begin the program at any time, but we will have a live virtual opening ceremony November 16, 2023 (more details later).


Week 1: Preparing For Your Hibernation

Week 2: Slowing Down

Week 3: Winter Solstice

Week 4: Visioning

Week 5: Winter Blues Part 1 (Finding Sun)

Week 6: Winter Blues Part 2 (Surrender)

Week 7: Growth From Within

Week 8: Boundaries 

Week 9: Take a Breath

Week 10: Soul Quest

Week 11: Getting Back to Nature

Week 12: Awakening

The best news!

ROOTED is only $45 for the entire winter. 


100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the program.


If you need a financial scholarship, just send me a note. No questions asked.


ROOTED gives us permission to rest.

To retreat.

To nourish.

You will wake up from your spiritual hibernation in the spring, refreshed, grounded, inspired, and joyful!

Meet Rebecca

Hi beautiful women! I'm Rebecca and am a mother, musician, energy worker, and medicine woman. I love earth medicine (herbs, plants, stones, spirit animals) and the healing powers of music and sound.


I spent years suffering through the winter months with severe seasonal depression. I have gathered so much medicine along the way and am ready to share it with you!


This is the second year of ROOTED, and it was profound to see all the changes in the women that were in the circle last year.


Holding space for soulful women to gather is what I love to do, and am honored to be on your wintery journey with you!

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